Blooming, Like if it's Spring Time

by 4:01 PM 0 comments

I try to make the life of my girls predictable. Their traumatic past can leave them marked and they can find it difficult to trust others, thus, I rely on a routine. They rely on our routine. They thrive on our routine. There's a set time to wake up and do homework and go to dance class and eat lunch and eat dinner and have our one to one. There's a time for everything. 
But if you've ever lived with 7 preteen and teen girls, or even just one, you know that you can't always plan for everything.
Last week it seemed like every activity in our schedule was graced by beautiful moments, unsuspected unplanned spontaneous moments of connection.

One showed me her bracelet collection, and she wanted me to keep a few. 

One told me how she cried herself to sleep one night because she was scared of losing her brothers. 

One asked me to help her start planning her quinceñera and we figured out here theme should be Paris.

One mentioned to me that she is trying to memorized Psalms chapter 1. Not some verses, the whole chapter. 

One asked me to translate "yo quiero my encargada" to English, so she can learn to say it . ( I love my caregiver).

One cried about how she wanted to succeed in life to be able to go back to her family and help them.

One cried one my bed and one my shoulder with her first heart break. He didn't like her back. 

It was the week before some of them left to visit family and I could feel some stress steam off of them. The uncertainty of the days to come was certainly playing out. Thank you Jesus that they have a stable home here at CHD; and even though it is ideal that they be with their family, His protective hands cover them when it is not possible. They are growing, connecting, and blooming, like if it's spring time...oh wait it is!

Anna Valdez


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