More than You Can Ever Dream or Ask for

by 9:37 AM 0 comments

Many nights I am just tired, but that makes me call out for His help. On bad days I used to pray over and over again. “Heal them, make them behave, please just make them listen.” And they started listening. I began to get to know them and their story better and my prayer changed: “please restore them. Give them back everything that they have lost.” I saw him do that, they were connecting and doing better in school and changing! Then I prayed: “help them really know who you are.”

Last week my Captain’s wife asked the girls to write a letter explaining who they are now and who they want to be. It was very clear that they wouldn’t write the profession they wanted to pursue, but instead what kind of person they wanted to become. I instantly thought: why didn’t I think of the first. Thank God for our much wiser leaders! She made it clear that this was obligatory, they had to sit, think and write!

A couple of days later I made sure the girls did it, and they gave all the letters to me so that I could turn them in. I saw this as an opportunity…and yes, I did it! I read their letters (Betty if you are reading this…I’m guilty!). I just couldn’t not know what was in their hearts. Thank God I did read them.

“I like helping Casa Hogares…I want to help young kids in children’s homes.”

“ I want to help other people, I’m the kind of person that jumps above obstacles.”

“I’m going to be somebody!”

“I want to give my testimony about my life to lots of people…I want to go to a Christian church and serve there”

Never did I once pray for this.
Jesus put that in their heart all on His own. That is HIS plan, not mine. That is HIS heart.

The thing is that when the Holy Spirit is moving, dreams are birthed. It’s not something logical or simple. It’s supernatural.  It’s crazy. An orphan begins talking about being a missionary in other countries and giving her testimony, not about making lots of money. A poor 12 year old orphan with no money wants to help others, not have a huge house. These are the kind of dreams Jesus is putting in their hearts. Theses are the kind of women they are becoming.


Think about it. One day you will hear the testimony of one of my girls! 
Don’t forget to praise Jesus when you do. I know I won’t!

Anna Valdez


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