It makes me wanna Shout..

by 9:03 AM 0 comments

And cry and run and dance and especially sing!

Making her whole, right in front of my eyes.

It was 5 months ago that my girl cried in pain. That same night she was in the hospital and paralysis had already began in her hands, arms, and legs. As I tried to be strong and quickly massage her muscles to relieve pain, at the worst point, she yelled for mercy all through the night. But not tonight!

Tonight she is walking!
Tonight she can’t stop smiling!
Tonight she is healed!

She sent Chrissy, aka her physical therapist, to run upstairs and get me so she could show me. My mind flashed back to our nights in the hospital, and as I thanked Jesus, he forced those memories out.

Thank you for praying for Daniela. Thank you for believing that Jesus was powerful enough. Thank you for sending words of encouragement. Thank you for being in this one with me.

Thank you Jesus because you wipe tears away in dark hospitals. Thank you Jesus because you dull the pain when the sun is rising. Thank you Jesus because you defend the orphan. Thank you Jesus because you are healer. Thank you Jesus because you never fail.

Anna Valdez


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