Still Not Finished. . .

by 2:56 PM 0 comments

I left Mexico a couple of weeks a ago. And I've never felt so loved. First, my girls hid my backpack and my suitcase. Then, they decided to trap me in the dorm. When I finally got out and ran to find my stuff hidden behind the couch, they wouldn't let go of me. They just hugged me.All I could do was pray. I want to show them that God is their father and He takes care of them. Again, I left them in Jesus' hands and then they began to cry. One of the girls could not stop laughing, she could not even talk. When she finally got a breath she said, "that girl is crying and she never cries." While she pointed her finger I realized God had been doing a work in this teen's life, she had softened her heart and walls had broken down.

But, the work there is still not done. I need to go back. I have returned to raise support in order to return to Mexico. I only need 6,000 dollars more. God has already put someone to donate my insurance, and some monthly partners, but I have not reached the goal. These $6,000 could be broken up into 5 monthly pledges of $100 a month, or 10 monthly pledges of $50 a month for a year.

If you feel God calling you to support the orphan, please pray about joining my team. I'm almost at my goal! I can't return 'til I've met it.

I would be happy to chat with you and explain more about what I do.
Contact me if you are ready to join my team at to give you more details.

Not Finished Yet,
Anna Valdez

Anna Valdez


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