The Example Has Been Left.

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I remember teaching children church back home and one day my lesson was the humbling story of when Jesus washed his disciple’s feet. One thing I stressed to the 6-8 year olds seated in that orange classroom was that Jesus washed feet that were wearing sandals, not socks. Those feet were dirty because back then they used horses and other animals to get around, so what do you think many of those feet stepped on once or twice? Yep! I stressed THAT! My message to those kids was, go and do the same. Serve each other, even if you don’t feel comfortable or if it’s a dirty job. Hey Jesus did it! Every time I’m faced with a situation here in Mexico, I’m reminded God began preparing me for this long ago. Even with this simple bible story I think God was preparing me more than the kids I was teaching.

Meet Lola! She is pictured above and is one of the nine girls that I care for here at Casa Hogar Douglas. Lola is 38 years old and has down syndrome; she was dropped off at Douglas as an infant. The children and staff here have become her family, since she is one of the kids that never gets visited.

Lola is very privileged in my dorm. Every morning she gets breakfast in bed and gets to wake up late. As I get ready to help her shower to begin her day. I am reminded of when Jesus fastened a towel around his waste and filled a basin to wash his disciples feet. . I pull out the gel and began to comb through her hair and his words come to me. I put on her socks correctly, after she has tried to do so herself, and put her shoes on while all I can hear is “For I have given you this example, so that you should do what I have done” (John 13:15).

We’ve had some incredible experiences together. Lola and I have sung together as I get her dressed. I’ve painted her fingernails. One day she even spoke English and repeated, “we did it!” I admit I was scared at first, not sure how to care for her. Sometimes when she is sick I still don’t know what to do. But each time I shower, dress and feed her God deals with my heart saying, “I already left the example.” Then, I pray for strength and love to do the same.

Following His example,
Anna Valdez

Anna Valdez


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