Not my will but yours be done…

by 9:36 PM 0 comments

Change is scary sometimes. You don’t know what to expect, who will be with you, or how you will feel in your new situation. There’s fear of failure , rejection we might face. and hard work we’ll have to do. I think Jesus knew the feeling. Remember he told his mother, “Dear Woman, why do you involve me?...My time has not come yet.” And “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me.” That sounds like a lot of my prayers sometimes.

Three of my girls graduated from 9th grade this week. In Mexico, most children’s homes only serve kids up to 9th grade. Thus, they had to move to the B2B hope program, where they can continue their studies up until they finish college. Today was the big move! I heard a lot of “Ay, Anna tengo miendo…te voy extrañar,… esto ha sido mi casa por 9 años.” I had to walk them through their fear of change and get to the part of the prayer where Jesus says, “Yet your will be done, not mine” (Luke 22:42). Our last moments together were set perfectly in a worship service. We hugged, kissed, told each other we loved each other and I got to pray for them. I told God, “God I give them to you, I cannot do anything for them anymore. I trust you with them.”

As you pray for us this week, please remember the changes going on in my dorm. I’m losing three 9th graders, two that are getting adopted, and getting three new girls next school semester. I thank God that he has given me the opportunity to love these girls and to be loved by them. I don't want them to leave-- not my will, but HIS be done!

Drinking of the cup of God’s will,
Anna Valdez

Anna Valdez


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