Making Peace.

by 3:45 PM 0 comments
I never thought that peace would be so loud. I used to think of peace as the rolling of waves while laying on the sands of South Padre Island, but that has changed. 
First, I asked myself can peace possibly exist while in the midst of 8 teenaged girls who fret over clothes, chores, body image, emotions, and so much more? I didn't know the answer, but I still prayed for it.

In one of the craziest days I decided to push the peace issue. I didn't want to let the bustle of the day cause me to just forgive and forget silently while hurrying everyone to bed. So despite my tired body and emotions I had alone time with each of the girls: while they drank a cup of milk I asked them how they think the day went and what WE could do to improve our days. I knew I had to change some things as much as they did. They talks of about 10 minutes each were great and at the end of the  night while one of the girls sat in my little dinning table she said "ya Anna, vamos hacer las pazes." Our talk ended with tickles, giggles and peace making.

That night I was amazed at the peace of God; it wasn't silent at all. Yet, His presence was evident as I challenged us to make peace. I pray God fills you with His peace, whatever form of it you might need. Thank you for remembering me in your prayers. 

Haciendo las pases,
Anna Valdez 

Anna Valdez


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