I remember my first night in Monterrey. I had just met the 9 girls I would take care of and knew very little about them. They seemed ok, but I was intimidated and scared of failure. My apartment's door did not have a door knob and I was advised (by a bunch of teenaged girls) how dangerous it was to sleep with the door open, and so they decided I should sleep with them. One of the most beautiful 12 year olds I know said "yo te dog mi cama y yo me duermo con mi hermana, esta limpia mi cama!" I hesitantly accepted, but realized how she graciously met my need.
And there it was, on the first night when she offered me her bed (one of the few things they have to claim as their own)God was speaking to me. Since day one He has told me to give it ALL. To give all the hugs I've got, all the material things I've got, all the love I've got. When they asked for water, "yes you may have some of my purified water." When they asked for a shirt, "yes you may." When they asked for a snack, "yes I'll make you one." When they asked for help doing their chores, "yes I will." When they asked me to brush their hair, "sure." And for many other things, "yes, yes, yes."
I had to look to Jesus as an example of giving: when he died on the cross he told his father "forgive them for they know not what they do." He was offering prayers and forgiveness to his offenders, even when it seemed he had nothing else to give. How much more should we give to those who have been offended? I pray I never get tired of giving and ask that you pray for the same.
Giving it all up,
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