
by 3:20 PM 0 comments
Mary had to wait 9 months for her baby to be born.
I've heard pregnant women nest.
She probably nested. I don't think she meant her son to be born in a manger. I hope she wasn't disappointed when she realized the room she prepared would not be used. I would be.

I'm expecting. And I have been nesting.

In the span of three weeks I had meetings and discussions of how it could  be possible for Lili, one of my girls from Casa Hogar Douglas, could come and live with me. I had to make plans to drive her to and from school, of what she would eat, and how to make her feel at home. Then I prepared her room. I moved the bed, swept, mopped, got her clean sheets and chose a comforter. I hung photos of her family and her friends, and even wrote her name on a little chalk board. I was making room for her. I was preparing to welcome her.

I wanted to jump up and down on the inside, but I tried to contain myself so I wouldn't freak people out. Every time I went into that room I prayed for her. I prayed Jesus would prepare our hearts for each other. I don't know how pregnant mothers or expecting adoptive mothers just wait...for nine whole months.  I have been forced to pray for all different kinds of things and expectantly wait for Him to bring her.

I'm sure that some of my meals will fail. I know that I will certainly be late to somewhere important. We will have to adjust, but I also know that he is making me ready in this waiting process.

On January 12,  Lili will come live with me and the  wait will be over.

For now, I'm still expecting.

Anna Valdez


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