Not My Plan

by 4:58 PM 0 comments
“Nothing went as planned, but everything went so smoothly.” It’s how I kept describing the quinceñera to everyone who was asking about it the day after. The weather got cold and rainy just the day before. The speaker of the ceremony couldn’t make it. The caterer was late. There weren’t enough chairs at the reception. But when I asked her that morning, as we took a walk, if she was worried about everything, she just shook her head and giggled. Then she went to sit on the couch, ate a muffin, watched a movie and wait for her pampering to begin.

I loved her attitude. We had prayed so much about this event. We had given it all to God. She knew He would not let her down on her dream, and he didn’t. You see, this was something she was internally planning since she was just a girl. The day she would turn 15 would be the best celebration in her life. As I began to decorate the reception hall, I longed for her patience. I wanted to believe God was in control as I called for a back up preacher and he didn’t answer. I wanted to believe that God knew I had about 100 people coming for dinner and the caterers hadn’t to showed up. I wanted to believe that this was God’s story for Rubi and it would turn out the way He wanted, not my way. And as I tied up her dress, I thanked God for letting me be part of this great story he has for her. 

That night everything unfolded not according to plan. The balloons in the church deflated, we forgot some lyrics in the song we sang, there was not enough room in the reception hall, and Rubi even slipped (while no one was watching). But that night she was also told of God’s plan for her life. That night she was prayed for and blessed by the people who love her, and that night she felt as special as God always sees her.

So as we laugh and joke about how crazy the night was, we agree that is was the best night in her life so far. I hope all the other plans I have for her life go a lot like that night:  His way, not mine.

Thank you to every sponsor who bought the ribbon and every helping hand who tied a bow. You guys are her dream chasers!

Anna Valdez


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