I'm Staying!

by 1:06 PM 0 comments

We cleaned out the bookshelf a few days ago. That old wooden thing is where we store the books the girls are currently reading, their bibles, and all their school notebooks. I wish I had taken a picture of how many notebooks they used throughout the year. But now it seems as if they weren’t even there. “Whatever you won’t use next year, throw it away!” I told them. You gotta be strict when there’s 8 teenaged girls living with you, anything could turn into a keepsake for them.

As the school year ends there is a lot of uncertainties. It’s kind of like cleaning the bookshelf and letting go of a lot of things.  Who will go home and not come back? Which caregiver will leave for another job? Who will move into my dorm? Will I keep the same bed? Will you be back after vacation? The girls get to visit family for 2 weeks this summer. They usually take just a backpack with a few clothes and toiletries. Then in August before school begins they return, and then all their questions will be answered!

I’m so glad that I can answer the girls and say. I will be here. I will go home to see my family, but when you come back, so will I! This is just one thing they won’t have to worry about this summer vacation.

My year with Back2Back will soon come to an end, but I have already decided to commit to serving another year with back2Back. That means that in August I will continue to be with the girls and care fore them. My journey is not over yet!
This also means that when I go home to visit in August, I will have to raise support for this new year.
I would like to invite you to come on this journey with me. As part of my support team you will be the first to pray with us and for us or you can be a financial monthly or one-time gift supporter. Whatever way you choose to be part of my team, you will be part of these girls lives! Please pray about whether God is calling you to serve in this special way.

As for me, I’ve made up my mind, I’m staying!

Join my team!
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Contact the home office to donate:
Email me to become a prayer partner:
Box 70
Mason Ohio, 45040

Go to back2back.org
Please specify your donation is for Anna Valdez.
Karen Holiday in our finance Department  513-754-0300
Ext. 1707
to receive prayer requests and updates!
Include a note stating the gift is for Anna Valdez, but DO NOT write my name anywhere on the check.

1.      Scroll over giver
2.      Click give today
3.     Click give online
Mention the gift is for Anna Valdez in Monterey Mexico!

Anna Valdez


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