Here I Am

by 10:19 AM 1 comments

The story of Samuel’s calling, as a young boy is pretty common. We know that his mom prayed him into existence. We know that she gave him back to the Lord. So, Samuel was there in the midst of the Lord’s workings. Yet, the Lord was calling him to do more. He had such a unique and special story, but it wasn’t the end. God still had a plan to use him mightily. He would one day anoint the next BIG King of Israel, David.

This strikes me personally. There are about 16 staff here in the children’s home and each of us have a unique story as to how we got here. We are involved in the in’s and out’s of this place. We’ve talked about how we couldn’t sleep after being awaked by a child (5 inches from one’s face), how we dreamt about the kids, how we spend minutes and hours speaking life into them, how we caught them doing the good, the bad, and the ugly. We are totally involved and consumed in this place. But maybe like Samuel God is calling us to do more, because like Samuel we are raising the next generation. Pray with me this week for the staff of Casa Hogar Douglas. Pray they will answer God’s calling as Samuel did, saying, “Here I am.”

Anna Valdez


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