We'll Do it!

by 9:33 AM 0 comments

It was a rough day. We hadn’t had a day like that in a long time. They were disrespectful. I was frustrated. Finally 9:30 had come around and it was time to go to bed. I had been praying for this day to be over since 5:30, so I wasn’t really in the mood for goodnight hugs and giggles. But they are always full of them at bedtime.

She hugged me once and kissed me goodnight, I could feel her cold hands around me. She leaned in for another hug. This is pretty normal, some nights she even pretends she’s playing soccer and motions kicking me a goodnight kiss, so I thought nothing of it.

But this night she surprised me.

“Quiero orar por ti,” she said as she hugged me again.
And there we stood. In the dark, ignoring the other goodnight hugs around us, as this blessed orphan held me in her arms and prayed for me.
I wanted to receive every blessing from her more than I ever wanted anything.

I thought it was over. Jesus had healed my heart of the days woes.
But oh it wasn’t.

She said, “gracias…thank you for all the advice you give us, for being our support, and not giving up on us.”
I literally thought, what the heck God.

At what point did she get so full of Him that she began to give? He’s piecing their heart back together. Not only that, but he’s filling it up. She will overflow and she will have to give of what she has. She is already beginning, picture her standing with her hands up , jumping up and down like a four year old saying:

“I’m a 13 yr old abandoned orphan, who has lived separated from my family for 10 years, I don’t have it all together, I have a wounded heart,  I’ve lost my prize for the week, I kicked my brother yesterday, and I have an aching heart for a real forever family. But I’ll do it! I will follow you! I will bless others. I will thank my caregiver, out loud, no matter who is watching or listening. I will lift her up in prayer. I’ll give! I’ll do it, pick me Jesus! Pick me!”

As we get ready for summer, our guiding verse at Back2Back is Jeremiah 42:6

 Whether we like it or not, we’ll do it. We’ll obey whatever our God tells us. Yes, count on us. We’ll do it.

Not only is God challenging our staff to step up, but the kids we serve too. And they are taking Him up on it!

Anna Valdez


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