Too Many Knocks on My Door

by 3:46 PM 0 comments

I recently read a story, you’ve probably heard of something like this before. It’s a miracle that I never get tired of hearing about—a powerful testimony from a son who was lost, addicted, and tired of life. But one night, as he walked through the hallway, he heard the weeping of his mother and realized she was praying for him through the night. It was those outcries that drew the son to his savior. Those powerful stories never cease to amaze me. It’s as if she was drawing from another source and has humbly accepted her human efforts will not save or change her son.

Many people have told me “it’s a tough job you do, it must be tiring.” And I always answer, “Yes! Yes it is.” The truth is, living with 7 teenaged girls is more than tiring; it takes everything I’ve got.  We have doctor visits, vomiting in the middle of the night, preparing snacks, doing chores, doing homework, ministering to their individual lives and problems, waking them up and laying them to sleep, too many knocks on my door to ask for a brush, a razor, a band aid, some water,  a hug, a kiss, attention,  screaming about a bug in the shower, or asking “what are you doing, because I’m bored.”
I remember sitting down one day and praying “I have nothing left to give.” I had run out of pilas. Both doors in my room were being knocked on and I had to answer them, but I felt like I had nothing else to give. I began to pray that God be my source, because there was nothing left in my own human strength to continue. Then, I got up to answer both doors.

This happened to be the day my girl wanted to have a serious talk about her life. Although I just wanted some quiet time, she sat down and we began talking about her goals in life.
She said, “quiero jugar fútbol, tener una casa grande, apoyar a mis hermanos,  tener una familia, y como te digo?…quiero creer en Dios.”

I craved to know more. 
And although I was wrung out, I took advantage of this moment and continued, “what might be some goals you can accomplish sooner?”
“Well I want to finish middle school with good grades, stop fighting with my brothers, win my soccer games, and I want you to take care of us permanently, and bring all your stuff from the US and live here with us permanently, and I want you to get married here and live here.”
I began to laugh and it renewed my strength.

Thank God for giving me a push! She ministered to me with her love, when I was supposed to minister to her.
The praying mom came to mind and I wondered, Has anyone ever prayed for her personally. Has anyone ever cried out to God for her or her future? Has anyone been the intercessor for her to get on the right path?

With no mother or father, I doubt it.

As I kissed her goodnight I prayed that I would be that intercessor for her. I prayed Jesus would be my power source, so when I didn’t have anything more to give I could offer the power of prayer. 

Will you join me?

A fun night of lots of giggles.  

Anna Valdez


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